YAA has served over ten thousand youth and families across Michigan with the support of over a hundred dedicated local teaching artists. Youth Arts Alliance firmly believes that access to high-quality arts experiences and education is a human right. We’re committed to sharing healing-centered arts practices with youth artists, their families, and surrounding communities with local teaching artists’ dedicated support and expertise. YAA programming invites connection, dialogue, and empathy, bringing us towards healthier, more just, collaborative communities.
Youth Arts Alliance provides healing centered arts workshops to young people across Michigan. We consistently redefine what it means to invest in communities, by listening to and taking direction from the young people we serve. YAA’s cohort of teaching artists responds to the visions and creative aspirations of young people, meeting them where they are.
Over the past 10 years, we have served over 10,000 youth and families throughout the state of Michigan. Our ethos put arts and supportive relationships with skilled teaching artists at the center of individual healing, social and emotional growth and community connectedness.
“I think it’s really impactful to the youth in a therapeutic and creative recreational way. Sometimes the kids don’t know that they’re being educated because they’re having fun while they’re doing it.”
“There was just this strength that I saw in these moms that came out of this experience. They felt like I’m somebody.”
“This group y’all got, it’ll make somebody wanna change. It’ll motivate them to do something different. That’s what it motivated me to do. It’s more than just music and art. I can see it.”
“Not only does YAA teach our residents so many new and exciting things, it gives our youth confidence when they see they are capable of making & doing extraordinary things!”
“Facility culture has been impacted by allowing staff to see kids in a different light. Some of the kids who are going through the deepest struggles and acting out the most have shown a different side of themselves through art and that has offered paths to new connections between kids and adults.”
“Im gonna always remember it. It was my first time making music and painting a mural so it’ll stay in me to keep being creative.”
“Making music, art. That’s good for the youth right there I ain’t gonna lie. It’ll help somebody get through what they are going through in the moment. Get their mind off it for a second.”
“These workshops matter cause they fill my heart, make me stop and think what’s next, they make me want to do better and make me stop thinking about the bad. Art helps me express my feelings beyond words. ”
YAA creates space young people need to explore their complex and shifting identities, interests and values through high quality arts programming that across a myriad of creative practices.
Continued engagement in YAA programming highlights their expanding identities as artists, writers and performers. Well-vetted and emerging research indicates the far reaching benefits of experiences in the arts across the lifespan.
Every dollar you donate to Youth Arts Alliance goes toward ensuring that young people and their families across Michigan will continue to have access to high quality, healing arts experiences. Please consider making a tax deductible donation today.