As part of their participation in Youth Arts Alliance programming I understand, acknowledge, and fully appreciate any risk of injury that may result from my and/or my child's participation in the program.
It is my understanding that I and/or my child will be subject to the policies, rules, and regulations of Youth Arts Alliance while participating in the program.
I fully recognize, understand, and assume any risks to which I and/or my child may be exposed by participating in the program. I understand that I and/or my child is not required to participate in the program. I acknowledge that there may be dangers and risks not known to us or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. I release, waive, and forever discharge Youth Arts Alliance from and against any and all liability for any harm, injury, death, damage, claims, demands, actions, cause of action, costs and expenses of any nature that I and/or my child has or that may hereafter accrue to me/us/my child, arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, including but not limited to death that may be sustained by me and/or my child, whether caused by negligence or carelessness of the Releasees or otherwise, while participating in the program.
I hereby delegate to Youth Arts Alliance, its employees and contractors, the authority to seek, obtain, and approve any emergency medical care and treatment which is deemed advisable by and is to be rendered under the general supervision of any physician or surgeon, for me and/or the below named minor during his/her/their participation in the program. I understand that I am responsible for any costs incurred that are not covered by my insurance and I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Youth Arts Alliance against any and all liability arising out of any action they may take in seeking, obtaining or approving emergency medical treatment for me and/or the below named minor.